How to Change the Oil on a 110cc Kids ATV

How to Change the Oil on a 110cc Kids ATV

Comprehensive Guide to Changing the Oil on a 110cc Kids ATV

Keeping your 110cc Kids ATV well-maintained is essential for ensuring its longevity and optimal performance. One crucial aspect of regular maintenance is changing the oil. If you're new to this process, fear not - we've compiled a detailed guide to walk you through each step:

Step 1: Gather Your Supplies

  • New oil (check your ATV's manual for the recommended type)
  • Drain pan
  • Funnel
  • Wrench

Step 2: Locate the Drain Plug

Before you start, make sure your ATV is on a flat surface. Find the drain plug underneath the ATV, typically located near the bottom of the engine.

Step 3: Drain the Oil

Place the drain pan underneath the drain plug to catch the old oil. Use the wrench to carefully loosen and remove the plug, allowing the old oil to drain completely. Be cautious, as the oil may be hot.

Step 4: Replace the Oil Filter

Locate the oil filter, which is usually near the drain plug. Remove the old filter and replace it with a new, compatible one. This step is crucial for maintaining the ATV's performance.

Step 5: Refill with Oil

Using the funnel, slowly pour the recommended amount of new oil into the oil reservoir. Refer to your ATV's manual for the correct oil capacity and type. Take care not to overfill.

Step 6: Check the Oil Level

After refilling, screw the drain plug back in place. Start the ATV and let it run for a few minutes. Turn off the engine and allow the oil to settle. Check the oil level using the dipstick to ensure it falls within the recommended range.

Step 7: Dispose of the Old Oil Properly

Old oil should never be discarded with regular household waste. Collect the used oil in a container and take it to a local recycling center or auto parts store that accepts use motor oil for proper disposal.

By following these comprehensive steps, you can successfully change the oil on your 110cc Kids ATV, promoting its longevity and maintaining peak performance. Remember to schedule regular oil changes as part of your ATV's maintenance routine to keep it running smoothly for years of outdoor adventures!

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